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Irish Mythology

Myths and Monsters Tour

Ireland is awash with myths and legends. We’re honoured to be presenting a dedicated Myths and Monsters Tour for fans of the macabre. These tales are culled from our famous Halloween Archive and from years of exploring. We can’t guarantee a sighting of a Dobhar-chú, but we know a grave that depicts what killed its occupant in Leitrim. Nor do we ever wish to see the Abhartach, but we know where it is buried and can take you there. Or where the Rockytown Light was seen for hundreds of years. The list of unusual phenomena in Ireland is well worth an exploration and we want you to join us.

Everywhere from the Otherworld to Roscommon’s Queen Meabh and her bull are included. Or if there are any myths or legends you wish us to tell you more about, please let us know. 

Customs and Superstitions

Ireland is also abundant in customs and superstitions. It’s incredible to think that no matter how sophisticated we may think we are, we still salute the magpie or avoid walking under ladders. And we would never think of ever cutting down a fairy tree; we’ll reference some famous undoings from doing so.

Explore our Halloween Archive and let us know what sites in ireland appeal. Better still, let’s have a Zoom call to see how long you have and how far you want to travel. Some sites – such as the Cave of Cats referred to in the audio – are mandatory of course.


