Destination Audit
We’re happy to acknowledge that the best practice in this area for Ireland can be found in Fáilte Ireland’s Destination Development Plan.
Designing a plan that is in kilter with the national authority makes sense. When you finally liaise with them to augment your plans or seek funding, you’ll be well-prepared.
We’ve highlighted some of the salient points from it to give you a flavour of what to expect. ‘Daunting’ is one word that might spring to mind after going through it. Yes it’s a lot of work requiring research, liaising and assimilating long development plans and existing strategies. Fear not, that’s where we come in.
Fáilte Ireland themselves acknowledge the role of consultants, such as ourselves. We would be happy to help bring such a plan to life for you.
A small favour saving us both some time
If you would like to complete the questions from the Audit, please email us to get them prior to arranging a free consultation with us. We look forward to hearing from you in time.