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The Bluestack Way Walking Tips

While out walking in the Irish countryside remember you are walking in areas where people live and work. We also share the countryside with much wildlife. The following are a number of important recommendations to abide by when out walking: –

  • Respect the people who live and work in the Bluestacks countryside.
  • Respect private property, farmland and all rural environments.
  • Do not interfere with livestock, machinery and crops.
  • Respect and, where possible protect all wildlife, plants and trees.
  • When walking, use the approved routes and keep as closely as possible to them.
  • Take special care when walking on country roads.
  • Leave all gates as you find them and do not interfere with or damage any gates, fences, walls or hedges.
  • Do not enter farmland if you have dogs with you, even on a leash,
  • unless with the permission of the landowner. Please note, the Bluestack Way is NOT intended for dogs.
  • Guard against all risks of fire, especially near forests.
  • Always keep children closely supervised while on a walk. Please note, the Bluestack Way is NOT intended for children.
  • Do not walk the Way in large groups and always maintain a low profile.
  • Take all litter home – leaving only footprints behind.
  • Keep the number of cars used to a minimum and park carefully to avoid blocking farm gateways or narrow roads.
  • Minimise impact on fragile vegetation and soft ground.
  • Take heed of warning signs – they are there for your protection.
  • Report any problems encountered along the route with markers, signage, stiles or any other comments to the NWWAC/ISC office or call Inga Bock, Rural Recreation Officer for Donegal on +353(0)879318077
  • Please note: use of this guide is subject to being bound by our Licence.